Classical mechanics, as formulated by Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) in the seventeenth century, is obeyed by macroscopic 'particles' such as planets and rigid bodies. However, since microscopic particles such as electrons, protons, atoms, and molecules show a dual nature(wave-particle duality) they do not obey Newtonian dynamics. They, however, obey wave mechanics (or quantum mechanics ) a key feature of which is the quantization of energy and angular momentum. The laws of quantum mechanics were formulated in 1925 by the German physicists M. Born, W. Heisenberg, and P. Jordan (in the formulation known as matrix mechanics) and in 1926 by the Austrian physicist E. Schrodinger formulation of quantum mechanics more familiar chemists than the Born-Jordan-Heisenberg formulation of matrix mechanics, though both the forms are equivalent. In 1927, P.A.M. Dirac, the British physicist, formulated the celebrated relativistic quantum mechanics of his theory whereas in the Schrodinger nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, it has to be imposed later.
It is interesting to point out that the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics disturbed many physicists, including Schrodinger, de Broglie, and Einstein. In 1926, Einstein wrote: "Quantum mechanics... say a lot but does not really bring us closer to the secret of God. I, at any rate, am convinced that He does not throw dice" In this sense what he meant was that the reality at his fundamental nature can't be probabilistic because dice are probabilistic to which Neil's Bohr the founding father of Quantum mechanics would remark that "Einstein should stop telling God What to do".
The story starts at the beginning of the 20th century with scientists trying to better understand how light bulbs work. This simple question led them deep into the hidden workings of matter, into the sub-atomic building blocks of the world around us. Here they discovered phenomena unlike any encountered before - a realm where things can be in many places at once, where chance and probability call the shots, and where reality appears to only truly exist when we observe it.
Einstein hated the idea that nature at its most fundamental level, is governed by chance. Professor Jim Al-Khalili reveals how Einstein thought he'd found a fatal flaw in quantum physics because it implies that sub-atomic particles can communicate faster than light in defiance of the theory of relativity.
For 30 years his ideas were ignored. Then in 1960 a brilliant scientist John Bell showed there was a way to test Albert Einstein was right and quantum mechanics was actually mistaken.
Bell equation had to be verified experimentally, even, though each theory and each thought, needs to be verified with real results, a simple idea reduced in a mathematical equation is not enough, you need calculations to verify everything that has been raised. In 1972, the theoretical physicist John Clauser was the first genuine test of quantum mechanics, it consisted of a crystal that converts the laser light into photons that produce two very precise rays, then proceeds to measure a property of the photons, the polarization. A monitor showed the different results obtained and, substituted them in the bell equation.
When the experiment runs four times, it corresponds to four different settings of these dials. Each run is now like a different set of rules for the quantum dealer and when add them up and get the answer(if it's less than two Einstein was right, if it's greater than two Bohr was right) an unexpected result was obtained that was greater than two it's mean Albert Einstein was wrong and Niels Bohr was right. The significance of this result is simply enormous. Just remember what it means, Einstein's version of reality can't be true no amount of clever jiggery-pokery with our experiment can cheat nature. The two entangled photons' properties couldn't have been set from the beginning, but one is summoned into existence only when we measure them, something strange is linking them across space something we can't explain or even imagine other than by using mathematics and weirder photons do only become real when we observe them in some strange sense. It does suggest the moon doesn't exist when we are not looking. It truly defies common sense no wonder towards the end of his life Einstein wrote all these 50 years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the question what are light quanta? Every Tom Dick and Harry thinks he knows it but he is mistaken. The experiment only confirms this. whatever is happening we just don't understand it.
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